A Semi-Automatic Smile

'One must try to recover memory - it has so many hiding places...'

Friday, December 08, 2006

Now you learn the hard way...

One day I'll know better than to listen to music that is anything less than up-tempo. One day i'll know better than to put on love songs. I have to wonder though - Michael Buble is working his way through my speakers and into my heart right now, but is any of it real? Here is a man singing a love song and he's so convincing. But is it all a market ploy or does it really happen? Do guys ever really fall in love like he makes it sound or do they just do what it takes to sell a record? These are the things they should warn people about if they aren't real. Just so we know better from the start.

If I write it down I have to do it, right? Or at least try. Because it's closer to being proof then a half-concious verbal complaint from a work weary-mind. People will see it and come closer to believing it. And then it's not just mine anymore, it's a collective expectation. And we all know how I feel about letting people down. So i'll write it down and come that much closer to following through.

In 2007 I will be taking a hiatus from boys - complaining about them, pursuing them, pretending to be pursued by them, consciously flirting with them. It's too much of my life. It's all I talk about, too much of what I think about and worry about. I annoy myself with it, so I can only imagine how others feel. So it's done. I know it won't be that easy - it's going to a concious effort for me. That is so sad. I fear I'll become much quieter, at which point people start to worry, and question, and tell you what you're doing wrong. But this doesn't feel wrong - it just feels difficult. So in about 23 days expect me quieter, hopefully more serene.maybe I'll be a good listener again. i've never been very good at resolutions - I lack willpower when it comes to so many things - but this one's important for everyone. Maybe people will want to be around me more if I quit being so self-absorbed. I guess we'll see.

In these next three weeks, I hope to get everything squared away. It's the last time I'm stepping up though. part of me knew I would have to - I just let hope get the better of me sometime. The world keeps beating the optimism out of me. It's too soon to say everyone was right. I still give too much credit, I think. I have no reason to, but it's like instinct. I am nice for the wrong reasons. I don't know what they are, but they don't feel virtuous. I talk myself into a philosophy class too often. Why do I always feel guilty and nervous? I'm a Catholic - that must be it. But there I go making excuses for myself again...

...yes, it's time to downsize.


  • At 1:50 PM, Blogger Doug said…


    So this is what you were telling me about today. Good luck on your personal quest. I hope you get what you want from it. You deserve it. I love personal journeys in a way--they remind me of Gawain and the Green Knight. I enjoy undertakings of mythical proportions.

    As a reminder--if you're going to see Tom Reing's show let me know, and fyi Greg and I are going to Phantom on Tuesday if you want in.

    Be one with the gazelle. Know its ways :)

    Peace and Good Things :)


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