A Semi-Automatic Smile

'One must try to recover memory - it has so many hiding places...'

Sunday, May 20, 2007

drumroll please...

Well...here it is before...

And now...

All gone? All gone...

(Out of focus, so check out that sundress and let me know how you feel about it...don't get too attached though; I'm probably returning it as it makes me look a little pregnant)

It tastes shorter...

Sooo now what?


  • At 12:15 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    i approve of this short hair.

    lets make out.

  • At 12:53 AM, Blogger Caitlin said…

    Well darling I just cut off 2 and a half inches -not a lot but the most i've hacked off since graduation. And if you truely belive that new hair leads to a new life leads to making out with boys. I think we should hang out and go boy hunting. Cause I need the same kind of change. And this is slightly rambling but whatever you know how I do. <3

  • At 1:02 AM, Blogger Doug said…

    Just a little primping away from...[PAM'S] GONNA MAKE IT AFTER ALL **throws hat in air, and freeze frame**

    Sorry. Sorry. I imagine this was a big step. All seriousness--nice new do.

  • At 1:39 AM, Blogger Gwen said…


    cut it even more!! i'm so jealous. i want short hair again so bad but promised myself i'd grow it long enough to donate again.

    cut it shorter! i know, baby steps, but you'd look hot with a cute little chin bob and some tiny side bangs.

  • At 10:52 AM, Blogger Sara said…

    Pretty pretty science girl :)

  • At 11:11 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    I LOVE IT! So so so so pretty! I wish i could have been there for the haircut.

    damnnn youuu southern maryland
    ::shakes fist::

  • At 10:46 PM, Blogger Kate said…

    I agree with gwen, go shorter!! i know, i know, in time..

  • At 2:15 PM, Blogger Val said…

    I like it! Haha, when you said you were getting your hair cut short, I thought you meant REALLY short. This is a nice length!

  • At 10:43 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    The hair is adorable, but we've discussed this.

    You are All About Eve because its a movie all about acting and such. If you watch it, it may not seem too flattering, but I wanted something that subject-matter wise matched. Frankly, if there is a movie you want more that isn't already here, tell me. It's no biggie to switch it. :)

  • At 9:58 AM, Blogger Val said…

    I figured you'd like Zoe :-)

    Zoe is not a muppet though, Zoe is a monster. A muppet is a cross between a marianette and a puppet and tends to resemble a human (i.e. Ernie, Bert, Prairie Dawn).


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